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Study Skills - Vocabulary

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Study Skills - Vocabulary
Study Skills - Resources
Quiz Answers for Chapters 3, 4, 5, &7
Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12

Building vocabulary is a very important part of study skills.  Without an ability to understand words and their use, it will be hard to advance academically.  Standardized tests many times contain words that we are not familiar with.  What kind of strategies can you learn to approach unknown words confidently?
Keeping a vocabulary section in your notebook is very important.  Below you will find a variety of web sites that you can investigate to see which one will support you best in Building your vocabulary.  Keep in mind that games like Crossword Puzzles, Scrabble and others can support building your vocabulary in a fun way.

Visit each of the Websites listed below.  Take notes on what you like about the page and what you don't like.  Select one that will help you build your vocabulary.  Write a 300 word essay describing the Website you chose, why you chose it and how you will use it to help build your vocabulary.  Include your notes on the different Websites you visited. 

Resgister for free membership in Wordsmyth

Online Dictionary References

100 Words High School Students Should Know

Vocabulary Fun

Focusing on Words

Remember to keep notes on this section in your notebooks!!
Record words that you do not know to look up later!!