ED2020 Virtual Classroom - Introduction & Support

Study Skills - Test Taking
Who is the ED2020 Teacher?
Study Skills
Study Skills - The Learning Process
Study Skills - Taking Notes
Study Skills - Test Taking
Study Skills - Vocabulary
Study Skills - Resources
Quiz Answers for Chapters 3, 4, 5, &7
Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12

We've all experienced them.  They're worse than scary movies.  What are they?  Tests.  What an easy way to build anxiety.  How do you prepare for a test?  Are your study habits helping you to be successful with tests?  Since we can all use help, here are a few websites you will visit to learn new strategies for preparing for a test.


Multiple Choice

Test Taking Strategies

Writing Exams

Success in Math

Read through the first page of each of the links listed in the table above.  Select one of the linksw to focus on in building your test-taking skills.  Write a 300 word essay informing me of the link you chose, why you chose it and which strategy you have chosen to adopt to build your test taking skills. 

Remember to keep notes on this section in your notebooks!!
Record words that you do not know to look up later!!