ED2020 Virtual Classroom - Introduction & Support

Study Skills - Taking Notes

Who is the ED2020 Teacher?
Study Skills
Study Skills - The Learning Process
Study Skills - Taking Notes
Study Skills - Test Taking
Study Skills - Vocabulary
Study Skills - Resources
Quiz Answers for Chapters 3, 4, 5, &7
Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12

Taking notes is one of the most proactive skills you can develop.  What will you study when preparing for a test if you have not taken good notes?  Many times a teachers lecture is a clue to what will be on the exams.  Do you have a strategy for taking notes?  Do you review your notes at least three times?  If not come with us and let us explore websites that could teach us a new strategy for note taking.


Read the first page of each of the links listed on the right.  Pick one of the three links to focus on in building your notetaking skills.  Write a 300 word essay informing of me of the page you chose, why you think it will help you and how you plan to initiate building your note taking skills. 

Click each of the three links below to learn more about Note Taking.

Taking Notes from Lecture

Mind Maps for Note Taking

Cornell Note Taking Skills


Remember to keep notes on this section in your notebooks!!
Record words that you do not know to look up later!!