ED2020 Virtual Classroom - Introduction & Support

Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12

Who is the ED2020 Teacher?
Study Skills
Study Skills - The Learning Process
Study Skills - Taking Notes
Study Skills - Test Taking
Study Skills - Vocabulary
Study Skills - Resources
Quiz Answers for Chapters 3, 4, 5, &7
Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12

Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
  1. CMYK
  2. RGB
  3. RGB
  4. 256
  5. Bit Depth
  6. 256
  7. 16.7million
  8. No. Only 256
  9. 65,536
  10. Smaller
  11. With fewer pixels, it doesn't take so much memory to send bits of information to all the pixels.
  12. 13, 14. Check the chart on page 180 and make sure the values match across the columns.

  1. JPEG
  2. GIF
  3. GIF
  4. GIF
  5. a
  6. b
  7. b
  8. So the visitor knows what to expect as the page loads, and in case a visitor is browsing without graphics.
  9. 2

  1. Never
  2. Never
  3. Never
  4. Never
  5. Sometimes
  6. Sometimes
  7. Sometimes
  8. Never
  9. Never
  10. Never
  11. Never