ED2020 Virtual Classroom - Introduction & Support

Study Skills - The Learning Process

Who is the ED2020 Teacher?
Study Skills
Study Skills - The Learning Process
Study Skills - Taking Notes
Study Skills - Test Taking
Study Skills - Vocabulary
Study Skills - Resources
Quiz Answers for Chapters 3, 4, 5, &7
Quiz Answers for Chapters 9,10, & 12



What is learning?  Do you learn?  How do you learn?  How did you learn to walk/talk?  These are important questions to think about and research.   There is a great deal of research on this subject and well worth looking at.  Why?  Because you will want to learn about something in your life and this could teach you some strategies to facilitate that learning.  First we need to examine how each of us learn.  To help us understand how we learn let's look at the theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Click on the next two links to learn more about Multiple Intelligences.

Read about the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Click here and print out the inventory on Multiple Intelligences which will help you learn about YOUR Intellegences.


Once you have read, printed and completed the inventory, look up the intelligence(s) that you are the strongest in and, therefore your preferred way of learning.  Remember there can be more than one intelligence your are strong in. Use any of the links provided here for your research.  Write a short essay, 300 words, on your strongest intelligence(s), what you learned about your intelligence(s) and how this can postively affect your study habits.


More Information

For more information on multiple intelligences check out the following websites.

Remember to keep notes on this section in your notebooks!!
Record words that you do not know to look up later!!